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EU projects represented at RAFA 2009:

trace MoniQA conffidence BIOCOP NanoLyse


The program will be accompanied by several SATELLITE EVENTS:

November 3, 2009 (9.00 – 17.00)
TRACE project workshop on
“Determining the geographical origin of food - trace elements and isotopic patterns in food verification”Trace

On-line registration for satellite events
(No registration fee; number of participants is limited by room capacity)

The globalisation of food markets and the relative ease with which food commodities are transported through and between countries and continents, means that consumers are increasingly concerned about the origin of the foods they eat. A growing body of research articles have been published in the last five years detailing the use of natural abundance isotope variation and elemental concentrations as geographic ‘tracers’ to determine the provenance of food. These investigations exploit the systematic global variations of stable hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur isotope ratios in combination with elemental concentrations, including heavy isotope variations (e.g. strontium-87) and other biogeochemical indicators. This workshop presents developments from the EU FP6 TRACE project in the application of multi-isotopic and multi-element methods in the emerging field of “Food Forensics”.

Session I:The need for geographical origin verification – Regulations, certifications and fraud cases
Session II:Stable isotope systematics and geographical origin – Food for thought?
Session III:State-of-the-art in geographical origin determinations and tangible outputs from the TRACE project

PROGRAM to download

Information on the final TRACE project conference “How to trace the origin of food?”, December 2 – 3, 2009, Brussels, Belgium

November 3, 2009 (14.00 – 18.00)
Workshop on
“Future challenges in integration of young scientists into the EU research activities”
Workshop will be organised jointly by EC Joint Research Centre, Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (JRC - IRMM), Technology Centre of Academy of Science of the Czech Republic (TC AS CR), Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague (ICT Prague) and RIKILT – Institute of Food Safety.

On-line registration for satellite events will open in September 2009
(No registration fee; number of participants is limited by room capacity)

Workshop will be focused on opportunities for young scientists to take part in research within the EU research activities. Participants will also be informed on practical aspects of participation in EU projects.

JRC will present an overview of the JRC activities in general, including involvement of young scientists into their research. JRC will also inform workshop participants about the Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM) activities with the focus to food and feed safety and quality areas. They in particular highlight the importance of quality assurance, validated methods, determination of measurement uncertainty, organisation of collaborative studies, etc.

PROGRAM to download

November 3 - 6, 2009
Vendor seminars introducing recent instrumentation and products for food control

On-line registration for satellite events
Registration for vendor seminars is available only for conference participants.

November 5, 2009 (16.00 – 18.00)
Seminar on Issues and Approaches to Address Chemical Contaminants in Food US Perspective

Institue of Chemical Technology International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry RIKLT
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