RAFA 2009 logo Prague skyline
08/02/2025 -5575 days left
EU projects represented at RAFA 2009:

trace MoniQA conffidence BIOCOP NanoLyse

Symposium chair

Prof. Jana HajslovaInstitute of Chemical Technology, Prague, CZ

Symposium co-chair

Prof. Michel NielenRIKILT-Institute of Food Safety, Wageningen, NL

Scientific Committee (tentative list)

Prof. Jana Hajslova (chair)Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, CZ
Prof. Michel Nielen (co-chair)RIKILT-Institute of Food Safety, Wageningen, NL
Dr. Félix HernándezUniversity Jaume I, Castellón, ES
Prof. John GilbertCentral Science Laboratory, York, UK
Dr. Samuel GodefroyHealth Canada, Ottawa, CA
Prof. Hans-Gerd JanssenUnilever Research and Development, Vlaardingen, NL
Prof. Rudolf KrskaUniversity of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Tulln, A
Dr. Steve LehotayUnited States Department of Agriculture, Wyndmoor, USA
Dr. Bert PoppingEurofins Scientific Group, Pocklington, UK
Prof. Peter SchieberleTechnical University of Munich, Garching, D
Dr. Richard StadlerNestlé Product Technology Centre, Orbe, CH
Prof. Franz UlberthJRC, Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements, Geel, B
Dr. Zhiua YeChinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, CN

Organizing Committee

ICT Prague:

Monika Tomaniova, PhD (chair)
Marie Suchanova, PhD
Jana Pulkrabova, PhD
Assoc. Prof. Vladimir Kocourek
Assoc. Prof. Jan Poustka
Jana Kohoutkova, PhD
Asoc. Prof. Katerina Riddellova
Dr. Vera Schulzova
Tomas Cajka, PhD
Monika Cerna, MSc
Mr. Michal Zurek


Mrs. Marianne Frei-Häusler
Institue of Chemical Technology International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry RIKLT
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