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09/03/2025 -5604 days left
EU projects represented at RAFA 2009:

trace MoniQA conffidence BIOCOP NanoLyse

Lunch vendor seminar, November 4, 2009 (12:45–14:00)

Advances in the Use of LC/MS/MS for Routine Food Testing

Sponsored by New A MDS

With the recent issues around imported food products and ever increasing regulation by the EU, there is an increased need for the testing of a greater number of products, at lower contaminant levels in order to ensure product quality and human health. In order to do so, LC/MS/MS is being adopted as the analytical technique of choice due to its ability to analyze for numerous compounds at lower levels with less sample preparation than traditional techniques such as LC, GC or GC/MS. The following session will provide a brief overview of the benefits of LC/MS/MS and go on to outline advances in the use of new tools, technologies and sample preparation techniques to be able to simplify the ability to screen for, identify and quantify pesticides, antibiotics, mycotoxins and other common food contaminants from a range of food matrices.

The Use of LC/MS/MS for the Routine Testing and the High Throughput Analysis
Dr. Andre Schreiber, Food Technical Marketing Manager, Applied Biosystems

This talk will provide a brief introduction to the benefits of LC/MS/MS and go on to talk about new tools like ScheduledMRM™ algorithm that provide the ability to screen for more than 500 compounds in a single injection. Recent advances to QTRAP® system technology to be able to perform enhanced compound screening, identification, routine and high selectivity quantification from a single instrument will also be discussed with regard to pesticide and antibiotic testing.

New Tools to Simplify Routine Food Contaminant Testing
Dr. David Lavorato, Software Product Manager, Applied Biosystems

This talk will outline the issues to consider when looking to adopt LC/MS/MS for routine testing and go on to discuss Cliquid® Software, with its simple four step workflow, and pre-configured iMethod™ Tests as part of a total solution designed to reduce the barriers to adoption. The new Cliquid® MPX™ High Throughput solution for multiplexing of multiple HPLC systems to a single mass spectrometer to increase throughput and productivity will also be discussed.

Applied Biosystems / MDS Analytical Technologies

Delivering LC/MS solutions since 1984 with more than 12 000 LC/MS/MS
systems installed worldwide.

Flyer - Applied Biosystems activities at RAFA 2009

Register for Applied Biosystems seminar via the on-line Registration form for Vendor seminars & Workshops

Institue of Chemical Technology International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry RIKLT
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